What is Line Striping?

Line striping is the marking of a parking lot to identify where the parking space is and also identify pedestrian crosswalk together with those accessible by the physically challenged.

Reasons for Line Striping

Line striping your parking lot is essential for your business because it helps keep car park organized for commercial and for a residential parking lot, a parking lot is the first impression anyone visiting your home gets. It makes the whole process of parking very easy and saves time for you clients or visitors. It also makes navigation by drivers less confusing and easier making the driving across the property safe.

When your parking lot is marked correctly, it reduces chances of you being liable for any damage and injuries that may occur on your property due to driving technicalities.


  • Cleaning:  Painting the lines over dirt makes the strip look even worse than a faded one. Therefore, the first thing we do is to remove all the debris, wash away stains and scrape loose paints.
  • Assess the Parking Lot:  Both time and resources will be wasted if your parking lot has another issue that needs to be addressed before painting and is ignored. This may be an issue like potholes and cracks, and they may require filling. Another service we provide is asphalt seal coating, which helps keep your parking healthy.
  • Making the Line:  When all the preparation is done, we are ready to make the line strips. This is the last and essential part because it is where we make the line stripes. With the sophisticated equipment, we are able to do the markings professionally.